1. Mahendra Singh, Sugam Godse: Simple New Approach for anorectial fistula: Sub mucosal ligation of fistula tract: IJSS Journal of Surgery, March, April 2018/ Vol. 4/ Issue 2: 47-51.
2. Hariharan U, Tripathi S, Kothiya S.: Effect of oral Moxonidine in the attenuation of the hemodynamic responses seen during laparoscopic cholecystectomy.: AClinical study. Ind. J Anesth Analog 2018; 5 (8) : 1267-1274.
3. Hasiharan U, Tripathi S.: Effect of previous scorpion bite on the action of local anesthetic agents : A case report World Scientific News 2019; 120 (2) : 291-295.
4. Dr. Mahendra Singh et al: Outcome and efficiency of ligasure hemorroidectomy. Paper No. 395-IN- IJSSS- accepted for publication in International Journal of Surgical Science (IJSSS) on 18-12-2018.
5. Mehta S,Yerpude P,Jogdand K.Stress and its consequence on Medical Students: A cross sectional study at Medical College in Western India.National Journal of Community Medicine 2018;9(8):626-631.
6. Trinain Kumar Chakraverti and Purti C. Tripathi. Prevalence and Antibiotic Resistant Pattern of Pseudomonas aeruginosa at a Tertiary Care Centre of North India. Internatinal Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Science 2018; 7(09): 1061- 1069.
7. Purti C Tripathi, Trinain Kumar Chakraverti. Prevalence of extended β lactamases, Amp C and metallo beta lactamases among gram negative clinical isolates at a tertiary care centre in South India. MedPulse International Journal of Microbiology. August 2018;7(2): 18-22.
8. Gupta S, Ansari SA, Ansari AK, Khantal N. Study of Age Wise Distribution of Preneoplastic and Neoplastic Lesions of Cervix by Using Conventional Pap Smear. Ann. Int. Med. Den. Res. 2018; 4(6):PT15- PT18.
9. Nichlani R, Ansari SA, Ansari AK. Evaluation of Diagnostic Accuracy of Testicular FNAC in Cases of Azoospermia. Asian J. Med. Res. 2018;7(3):PT06-PT08.
10. Kamble P, Ansari AK, Ansari SA, Garg N, Verma P. Effect Of Maturity And Birth Weight On Umbilical Cord Blood Lipid Profile: A Fetal Programming Phenomenon. Ann. Int. Med. Den. Res. 2018; 4(6):BC05- BC08.
11. Ninghot A, Ansari AK, Ansari SA, Asif M, Hiware SD, Mohod K. Correlation of Cord Blood Lipid Profile with Neonatal Gender and Mode of Delivery. Asian J. Med. Res. 2018;7(3):BC06-BC08.
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